
Welcome New Members!

Your journey has just begun. Thank you for going through the Induction and becoming an Ordeal member of Wiatava Lodge! There’s a lot in store for you. Our lodge is structured in to local chapters, which hold their own meetings and events. To find out which chapter you’re in, check out Chapters. Each chapter has their own meeting date and location and is based on the district your registered unit/troop/crew is in. By attending chapter meetings, you can meet new arrowmen and join us in fellowship! For chapter specific questions, contact the chapter chief, listed under their chapter name on the Chapters page.

Is there more? Yes! After 6 months of active membership in the OA, you can advance to Brotherhood by attending a Brotherhood ceremony. Check out the calendar to see future Brotherhood Ceremonies.

Leadership: To get involved in the leadership aspect of the OA, ask your chapter how you can help out! Additionally, the lodge might have a place for you too. We are an organization built to allow youth to lead, and will always have a place, such as a committee, for you to join. Check out Committees to see what you can join.

How else can you engage? Our lodge. section, and national all host events as well! Check out the events tab. We have a fall fellowship, BBQ, Banquet, Section Conclave, National Order of the Arrow Conference, and more 😀

Financial Constraints? Wiatava Lodge believes in making it possible for all lodge members to attend what they want, giving them opportunities to experience the OA. Therefore, we offer scholarships! Click here to access the Lodge Universal Scholarship Application.