
Congratulations! You have been elected into the Order of the Arrow by your troop, and Wiatava Lodge looks forward to even more from you. Your journey has just begun, and your first step is signing up for an Induction. Inductions are weekend-long events that occur at one of our council camps, and must be done within 18 months of election.

Why?: Joining us at an Induction seals your membership in the OA and allows you to begin your journey in fellowship. After completion, you can attend both chapter and lodge events, full of fun! You can also enter into leadership roles and gain experience.

Cost: Inductions cost $97, which includes dues, sash, food, lodge flap, and your Brotherhood Honor sash (to be received at Brotherhood ceremonies starting 6 months after your Induction)

What to Bring: Medical Forms A and B, Water, Class A Uniform, Work Clothes, Money for Lodge Trading Post, Toiletries, 10 essentials

What not to Bring: Any kind of food or candy (All food will be provided)

More Info: For more information, please see the signup links below. Emails will also be sent out once registration is completed, along with an online down the hill meeting to prepare the week of. For dietary restrictions, medical needs, or any other concerns, please email evc@wiatava.org

Sign up below (2025 Dates)
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a secret? The OA is not a secret society, and any element of mystery in the ceremonies is for mistake. As stated by BSA, “ceremonies are open to any parent, Scout leader, or religious leader”. We are happy to share any information about activities with those who are not members.

What happens in the Induction? Inductions start with a ceremony, giving candidates an understanding of the the keystones of the OA- brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. After this, each member is challenged to lifelong cheerful service as they enter the Order of the Arrow.

How to get involved after? Check out the New Members page!

How do I get to the Induction? We understand that some locations may be far or difficult for travel. If you contact evc@wiatava.org, we can help coordinate rides for Inductions.

Can I arrive late or leave early? While it is preferred that candidates arrive on time and stay for the entire event, exceptions can be seldom made for unavoidable conflicts. Please email evc@wiatava.org sooner than later if this is the case.

Can parents or guardians attend the Induction? Due to the personal and reflective experience of the Induction, parents and guardians are generally not allowed to observe. However, parents are assured that there are no secretive or harmful activities involved, and that adult supervision and proper youth protection is maintained at all times.