
To access each document, click on the highlighted title!

Wiatava Lodge Planbook: The current planbook. This includes everything from bylaws to every form, document, and award on this site. The planbook also includes goals for the year and other important information.

Adult Nomination Form: Fill this form out for adult candidates to join the OA.

Brotherhood Information Form: Brotherhood members fill out this form as requested for general information.

Ceremonies Report: Upon completion of a ceremony, this report will be used to record info.

Chapter Monthly Report: Filled out by chapter chiefs, reports monthly happenings to the lodge.

Lodge Service Report: Used to submit service hours, fill out and email to or to [YOUR CHAPTER] All service counts, please submit!

Unit Election/Camp Promo Report: Filled out after each unit visitation and kept to be submitted at the end of the year.

Sample Board Meeting Minutes: Sample for minutes to keep meetings orderly and scheduled.

Vigil Nomination Form: Filled out by Vigil Chiefs to nominate chapter members for Vigil Honor.

Universal Scholarship Application: Wiatava Lodge has created many scholarship funds with the purpose of reducing economic barriers that would otherwise exclude youth from participating in Order of the Arrow Programs. This application can be used for any Order of the Arrow-related program/event by youth and adults under the age of 25 to apply for scholarship opportunities.

Where to Go Camping Guide: Guide on where to go camping.